Episode 1 & Models Show

Who was your fav?

I liked Althea's Dress.
I liked the flowingness and the material. It was really simple for a red carpet but depending on who wore it it would accent and not overpower. Plus red on a red carpet... that was so interesting to see the OCEAN OF RED CARPET there for the emmys.

I mean an ocean. I can see how people think it looks like a massacre!!

Did anyone else watch the model show? It was ok but I think I don't like the models. It's like watching selfish children. I felt bad for the girl who was with the losing designer. That Alien... C___C cool stuff but if she had just seriously applied that aesthetic to the idea... I dunno. But I digress. I thought it was good the model who lied about her measurements got put out. Cuz how is it everyone else had the right measurements and she didn't? Lame.


  1. The Athena dress was my fav. I really though it was a red carpet look... the only thing that I didn't like was it was safe... a mit more flare and it would have been fierce!!

    I didn't check out the model show, but I have it set to record for next week. I am sure it will be entertaining...hehehe

  2. hahah well the girl whose designer won got to choose another model to go with her to this thing where they gave them like a crapton of expensive shit. like rings, real diamond earrings, shoes, clothes, bracelets... like a TON OF EXPENSIVE CRAP. it's so insane! the other models when they got back were all oh that's soooo nice!! but you could see they wanted to hang them out the window by their hair.

  3. Finally got caught up on my PR. That chick that got booted was wacko...so no surprise there. That dude with the sheer collar thing, deserved to go as well. Who wears turtlenecks on the red carpet. My fav dress was the one pictured here. I just watched PR Star Challenge, so honestly I've already forgotten all the contestants and their designs and can comment no more.

  4. I just looked at a recap. I really liked Althea's dress as well. I didn't like the front of Johnny's red dress...looked like a bag. Is Malvin's model a man? She really wore that dress like a man.

  5. Yeah I didn't get the hype they were making about Johnny's dress... I did think the cut on the back of the dress was great but the front just looked like a mess to me..

    I really hope they don't give special treatment to that guy because of his past issues... It was his choice to be on the show.

  6. I agree, if you sign up you better cowboy up and get your fashion on. I was glad he got SOMETHING done and yet red on a red carpet. I was thinking hm... instant camo!!!

    I hope someone someday comes in without the "i love old movie glamor" and has a "I WANT TO DRESS EVERYONE LIKE A SPYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" aesthetic.
