I was really looking forward to this challenge. I mean a lot!! I thought that there was a weirdness to this challenge because I don't think it was well explained, were they making a costume or was it to be an outfit inspired by the movie style costumes? Ma and I argued about it all night and even until today. I still feel it was to be an outfit inspired by it but hey... that's me.
That said Christopher and Epperson were my favorites but my fav model was Tanisha, she really was super film noir to walk out and dab her eyes and to not do that stomping runway model walk but this gliding sashay like she just entered a private dick's office to ak him to find her missing husband only to have eventually have it come out she killed him herself!!! Anyway. I thought the one that won was not that amazing. It was ok, but his story was seriously all over the place, he chose sci-fi but it went totally fantasy!! And that's wrong. Also I can't believe they colored that poor model's hair with dried shampoo and sugar... Christopher's was not so far gone to the costume that it couldn't be in a regular collection and that top would have looked good even with jeans.
Epperson was really good because he didn't get to have any choice about what he had to make for and he really went balls out on it. Especially since western isn't very female friendly outside of school marms and showgirls. Logan's is up there just because I liked that he had battle damage. That really made me laugh that he thought about having blood and wounds!!!
Who was your favorite?